nephrotic syndrome

Although patients with nephrotic syndrome have tried all treatments including drugs, hormones, etc, they fail to avoid the relapse of the disease all the same. Our specialists point out that, to form a good life habit will help recovery greatly.
Pay attention to the following five aspects.

1. Build a habit of noon break.
Patients are supposed to develop a habit of noon break especially in summer. It is necessary to have a good living habit conforming to the changing rules of weather. Specialists recommend a half-hour noon break at around 1pm to ensure physical power. Some harmful rays in midday sunlight such as r-ray will damage body and trigger skin tissue inflammation. Patients with weak immune function should be cautious with that.
2. Keep a diet.
The patients must maintain a diet strictly. Don’t add kidney burden in case uremia occurs. For example, watermelon has the function of diuresis, reducing edema, and relieving summer heat, but eating too much leads to frequent urine and adds burden to kidneys. In addition, the accumulation of sugar in watermelon is a potential crisis for disease.
3. Take exercise regularly.
Take exercise such as walking, taijiquan, breathing exercise, etc at the proper time. In morning or evening is the best choice. Avoid doing it in noon under strong sunlight. Though swimming is a good sport item in summer, it requires much physical power and the worse thing is that there is no guarantee for hygiene in the pool. Thus, it is not recommended.
4. Pay attention to living environment.
Ventilation and brightness are favorable conditions. Air-condition is required to keep the temperature 5-6 degree lower than that of outdoors. Too low temperature will intensify temperature differences which easily causes a cold. Keep the bedding clean and dry. Build an environment with gentle ray of light and good ventilation condition. One easily catches a cold since the function of basic metabolism and the ability to protect himself become weaker after he falls asleep. Therefore, patients must keep warm, especially for waist, to protect stomach and prevent a cold.
5. Regulate mood.
Treating the disease has a long process. Patients have to hold confidence to defeat it. Regulate mood by penmanship, reading, playing chess, etc to keep in good health.



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